Win Corduan's Attic

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For the moment, I'm using this domain as a repository for various articles of mine that I am finding scattered on various sites all over the internet. These are, of course, not all of the articles I have written, but they are some for which I feel that I need to exercise some proprietorship.

Beyond Karma: Sin in Hinduism
Ambivalent Truth: A Response to Lesslie Newbigin Philosophia Christi 20/1(Spring 1997):29-40.
A Hair's Breadth from Pantheism: Meister Eckhart's God-centered Spirituality Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 37/2 (June 1994):263-74.
God in the Early Twenty-first Century: Ayodhya as Case Study. Christian Scholar's Review 34,2 (Winter 2005):167-85.
God as Cow (Second Version) A section of my "Chairman's Address" at the 1996 meeting of the Midwestern division of the Evangelical Theological Society
Hegel in Rahner: A Study in Philosophical Hermeneutics. Harvard Theological Review 71 (1978):285-298.
Hegelian Themes in Contemporary Theology. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 22 (1979): 351-361.
The Gospel According to Margaret Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 35, 4 (December, 1992): 515-30.
Reason in Mysticism: Three Beguines, Three Views Philosophia Christi 2-3/1(2001):199-215.
Schleiermacher's Test for Truth: Dialogue in the Church. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 26 (1983):52-53.
Theology built on Vapors: The Rise and Diffusion of Postliberal Theology Knowing and Doing (Publication of the C. S. Lewis Institute), Fall 2007: 4-7, 21-27.
Co-authored with Michael J. Anderson.The Strawman Strikes Back: When Gödel's Theorem is Misused. Journal of the International Society of Christian Apologetics1:79-103.
The Date of Zoroaster: Some Apologetic Considerations Presbyterion 23 (Spring 1997):25-42